Sunday, September 11, 2011

"The List"

All kidding aside, there is a list of things that you cannot photograph in my classes - ever. Here they are:

pets, children, homeless people, beer bottles, cigarettes, insides of bars or other place you might be anyway, flowers, bunnies, babies dressed like flowers and other pea pod things, icons (characters, hearts, crosses, anything that is embedded with a story of its own) and anything you photograph as you see it everyday of your life.

So what does this mean? This means that you are expected to put effort into every shoot to create images, not document your life. You may use the above if they are backdrops or models that can be controlled/altered to enhance your image. "Cute," "all I had to work with," "out of time," and "easy" are phrases in which I have no interest. You don't need me or college to pick up a camera and push a button. I am here to push you out of your comfort zone. One day, you will thank me.

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